Its proudly handmade, its unique, its rustic, its wonky with no preservatives or added sugars. Its made by our baking family to be shared with yours.

In 2021 while in lock down we were scrolling through Trade Me looking for a spot for summer camping and stumbled across a Northland
home and business opportunity, (previously called Pure Bakery) after Aaron jokingly saying ‘we could just move there and bake bread’ the rest is history – we packed up our stuff, brought our enthusiastic attitudes and headed to Kaeo!
We quickly discovered when we moved here that the bread was well know by many as ‘the Kaeo Bread’ so we felt it was appropriate to rebrand and pay homage to this and the place we call home and we are so glad we did, we have a brand, a product and a business that we are super proud of.
We’re passionate people, bread makes us happy – the smell, the family baking memories, and of course the taste! We love the art of woodfire baking – the shapes of the flames dancing, the sound of the locally sourced wood crackling as it burns, the warm dry heat in the winter (summers not so fun!) and we love the unique product it creates – the instant, dry and radiant heat created by the woodfire baking process is the very reason we can bake light and fluffy bread that our customers tell us they love!
Its a long 4+ hour processes from lighting the fire to being able to bake in it ! After the oven is really hot and the fire dies down the embers are spread evenly across the ovens brick base, after time the hot coals and ash are then cleared out of the oven and the oven is mopped clean. The oven is then left to let the heat equalise and cool slightly until it reaches the temperature needed to bake our first batches of bread. Once the oven is loaded with bread the heavy door is closed and the bread is baked, oven temperatures and dough type effect the baking times and the ‘its cooked’ time is determined by look, experience and good judgement!
Running the Kaeo Bread Company defiantly keeps us busy – we bake over 300 packs of bread per day!) some days the fire has a mind of its
own, and the hot heat working conditions are challenging at times (perhaps that is the very reason why we appear to be the only company
in NZ baking bread in a woodfired oven on the scale we do, but these things enable us to create a well loved product that we are proud to
share with our community and customers far and wide.
We love calling Northland home and are so thankful to everyone for all the support.
Aaron and Serena